Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Every life is worth saving

Or is it? I don't have any experience with war, other than what I've read or heard in history lessons or through the media, but I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of the population would agree with me that the world would've been better if Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-Il and the likes hadn't been born.

How many Bill Gates's, Richard Branson's, Stephen Hawking's, Nelson Mandela's (my personal fav's), Mother Teresa's and Desmond Tutu's have been killed through wars?

Nobody knows of course, since a life taken cannot be judged by those still living.

Sometimes when I walk through a graveyard, I see stones with names and the age they were when they died, and my mind goes to why. Especially if they were young when they passed. Who would they have been if they had still lived?

Here in Switzerland there is a political party called SVP, who hates everything foreign and everybody who wasn't born here is not welcome. Personally, I wanna ship them all to North Korea, which I believe is a regime that would suit them like hand in glove.

Now I just have to send in my application for Swiss citizenship, then I'll take SVP on :).

But what I wanted to say with this blog item was to ask if there is any proof anywhere that wars do work? Do they accomplish anything in the end? Ok, so Saddam and what's-his-name in Afghanistan were killed by America, but did it get better? Did the world benefit from World War I and II?

My belief is that it didn't. And that Israeli and Palestinian thing that's been going on forever, is it making life better for the people there? Absolutely not.

Religion and power hunger, that's the problem if you ask me. And food for thought, very few women are involved in these fights.

Over and out from an atheist.


Anonymous said...

it depends what you mean by 'work' (in 'do wars work?'). A lot of people make a lot of money out of war, and the obvious maintaining/obtaining of power, so they're working for someone.


Witchbitch said...

But not for 99.9% of the population.