Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Mystery III

So finally the mystery is solved. Turned out to be somebody who lives at the same street, but had placed the order under the wrong street number.

The supplier called me, they had located the guy who happened to be on holiday, so said they would pick up the boxes on Friday. Fine with me.

But today they called again, this time on my landline and it took me a while to understand how they got my home number, until, me being a bit of an idiot early in the morning, I realized that I'm in the phone book on my address (slapping myself once again!). Anyway, this time they once again excused themselves, and told me that they didn't have any delivery to Zürich on Friday, so would it be ok to come on Wednesday in a week?

Compliant as I am (!) I agreed, and when she told me there should be a bottle of wine for me as a thank you, I gracefully accepted.

Who said that age doesn't make you a better person?

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