Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My tail bone - a national disaster?

I was out walking today for five hours! Ok, we did not walk the whole time, it did include a fabulous lunch with fish soup at the Viadukt area in Zürich (can recommend), and a few stops having some wine but still. It was a long day in the sun, fabulous weather and not even the whiny kid could get my mood down.

So we had a stroll at the Limmat, talking about this and that, and just enjoying. When we sat down I remarked that I still have some problems, but it's getting much better. My friend responded "oh yeah, I forgot about that". To which I didn't say anything, but afterwards thought: wouldn't it be really strange if a friend of mine went around thinking about my tail bone?

Just a thought :).


Anonymous said...

Indeed. but when you see friends aren't you meant to remember what's going on with them and ask them about it. I realised on the train home I also forgot to ask you about your dates. I am hopeless these days.


Witchbitch said...

Yes I guess you're right, but still not that important :).