Thursday, October 02, 2014

I wanna sink my teeth into something

Today I went to have my teeth cleaned. I use the same clinic since about ten years, and the dental hygienist is fabulous. No pain, ok, it's not pleasant, but she does the work, is always gentle, praises me for having good mouth hygiene, and now I have white teeth again. Well, white might be a bit of an exaggeration, but still, very much improved.

However, since I was there last time (for that awful root canal) the owner has sold the practice, he was retiring, and now it's a new owner. I remember seeing some cliche written on the door.

Before there was always somebody greeting you in the reception, no I was met by nobody. And my hygienist asked if I had filled in the form. "What form" I asked, since I've been a client for like ten years. Turns out new clinic has another system, another everything, and from what I understood the new leadership wasn't all that. So I made sure that she'd let me know if she moves. 'Cause then I'm gonna move with her.

Anyway, when leaving I got the form, and it had all kinds of question regarding my full medical history. Excuse me? You do my teeth, I pay you and the rest is none of your business. Besides, I have already given you permission to get my data from the previous owner.

Nah, these chains are not all that. But as long as my hygienist is still there, I'm gonna be a customer. And I would appreciate a personal greeting next time, rather than hearing the personnel chatting about personal things next door.

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