Monday, October 06, 2014

aka Bridget Jones

I'm feeling like Bridget Jones these days. I am weighing in every morning, and even though I don't put it in a diary, I remember what I weighed the day before. Just as well, since she used to put in units of alcohol in her diary, and that wouldn't read well on my blog :).

Anyway, two days ago I hit the magic number. The number I've been striving for, and which is 5 kg's more than I weighed when I was like 16 or 17. Back then I was superfit.

And I think the reason I struggled the last few months is probably because I've been building muscles, replacing the fat and everybody knows muscles weigh more than fat. At least that's what I've been telling myself.

But now I want more. I want to be the person I was when I was in my teens. Not mentally of course, and I have no wish to be that young anymore, but physically it would be nice.

However, I realize it's gonna be a battle, 'cause I don't wanna give up my life completely. I still wanna enjoy food and sweets. And of course my beloved wine. But I do sports more, so let's see where I end up. I have given myself to the end of the year.

PS. A friend of mine went on holiday for two weeks, enjoyed it, had loads of good food in France, and drinks, came back and had gained 200 grams. Sometimes I really hate men! Personally, I think he shits like an elephant!

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