Friday, August 31, 2007

Quilt cut

Seems like work has begun. This is going to be so exciting...

But jeez, the carpets in your house! Indeed a good thing you're moving :)

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Cool. Just saw that I have had 4,000 visitors to the blog. Mind you, I have three different meters, and they all show different numbers. So much for statistics :) VISITS Total 4,000 But it's nevertheless encouraging. Think I will continue to blog :)...yeah right, try and stop me is probably a better description!


That's me. Realized today. Guess it doesn't help that I'm blonde. Here am I living with M. Without realizing that he works for the company who produces Toblerone. Hello? But who would think that a money-grabbing non-caring American company had a connection with a Swiss-quality product like Toblerone? Not me. And guess what? I haven't seen any free samples around the house...


Trying to get friends together is not always easy. Person 1: "I can't do Monday, I have kiezer-training (whatever that is?)". Person 2: "I can't do Tuesday, I have an outing with the company". Person 3: "I can't do Wednesday, I have a dinner date". And on it goes. So that's why it's so nice when a plan comes together and we actually meet up. On a Thursday. Thursday seems to be the day that everybody can actually make it. Todays menu was mozzarella, my own grown tomatoes and basil, topped with olive oil as a starter. Then meatloaf with bacon, spaghetti, IKEA gravy and peas. As dessert of course Häagen-Dazs, this time chocolate chip. Yum. A Chianti classico riserva to that, and the evening was close to perfection.

Snail's pace

Yesterday when we were leaving to go out I was in the company of a really slow guy. A guy who's into meditation and yoga. As a matter of fact he only dates yoga teachers. But wait! He's the Don Juan (previous item... Anyway, this was the first time I've seen him hurrying up. We were planning on taking a certain train, and he actually was moving at more than a snail's pace. Never seen that happening. Perhaps he was thirsty, since we were going to a restaurant :) Guess there's hope for him yet!


Think I have to re-think my weekly agenda. Right now it feels like TGIF because tomorrow I can finally sleep. Something is not right in this planning. Friday is supposed to be "HURRAY, it's Friday and I can finally go out". Tuesday was dinner with ex, yesterday was outing with a group of people and today I cooked for three friends. And don't get me wrong, I chose to do all this and all of it was nice. It's just that the day only has 24 hours. But never mind, sleep is anyway for old people :) And especially nice tonight was that I got to introduce two friends of mine who had never met before. Suburbia girl and gay friend. They seemed to like each other. And why wouldn't they? In my world they are both good people. And they are both my friends. Somehow I think I've got more energy than I give myself credit for...because if I could choose, I wouldn't do it differently...

Quilt progress

Absolutely love the fabric that my quilt supplier sent me. However, I wouldn't touch that carpet it's lying on with a barge pole :) pedantic cleaning friends would cry just looking at it.

I guess I forgot to ask whether I can clean the quilt in the washing machine!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Get a fuckin' life

Was out with a weird group of people tonight, and planned on blogging about the events. Only, am too tired and the last impression of the evening I got when going home on the bus. Picture this: young woman, slim, tall, clad in tights in a psychedelic pattern. On top of these tights she had a sorta bandage ripped to pieces. Black boots from the 70's. Piercings everywhere in the face, the rest I didn't thankfully see. A very pink wig. And an accessory in the shape of a small dog. Ok, so I'm all for expressing yourself, be an individual, diversity is a good thing, but gee! When I saw this, all I could think about was GET A FUCKIN' LIFE. I'm probably prejudiced...

Shit in style

Heard about this guy who has his own website called (travesty of google in case you didn't get it). He apparently earns a ton of money from people typing incorrectly. Fair game to him. Which leads me to the topic. An acquaintance of mine works at the construction site of google. They are putting up a brand new building here in Zürich. And they seem to make a lot of money, since the the toilets in this new building has white marble. So when my acquaintance needs a good shit, he walks over to this building, which is currently only occupied 50% and has a really good shit in style. On his own, with while marble surrounding, and with the toilet paper folded (you know like in a really good restaurant or hotel, they do that for you). Ok, I shouldn't complain, I am currently shitting on a brand new toilet ring. But marble...I tell you, that's a whole other ballring...sorry ballgame :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I finally get it

Or perhaps it's you my friends who don't get it? Here I was, trying to get a demography of my readers. Only to hear from the great sample of 2 people that "well, you already know me, you don't need the answer". Hello? It's a blog remember? Just because I know you doesn't mean that everybody else does. And I do have more than 2 readers (thanks you guys who're great, just wish my friends would be :). Ok, so the day that all my friends have their own blog...(yeah right that'll be the day)...perhaps they'll understand? Or maybe not. Perhaps myspace and facebook are new ideas to you...or internet :)??

Zürich - a village?

Often when I'm out in Zürich I don't see anybody I know. So mostly I think Zürich is big, like in city-big. Today was different. I sit in this Spanish place and who walks in if not an acquaintance. Hey M! Long time, no see etc etc. Later in the evening I took the bus. Sat down, minding my own business (as usual :) hearing this voice that I recognize. And there you go, two women I am acquainted with. Together with two unsuspecting guys they picked up somewhere. Don't know why, but my thoughts were along the lines of...lambs led to slaughter...


But of course we had to fight a little bit. That's also a thing with ex's, a must. This particular one was about how many bus stops it was from my place to his place. 4 he said with gusto. No way I replied, 9 at least. Eventually we shook hands on maximum 5 (his bet), and anything more than that would be my win. So we left the restaurant, walking to the bus stop (happened to be the same line) and guess what? 7 stops. If you'd include the one extra he makes me go every time he picks me up there it'd be 8. Easy win. Then a long discussion whether I could trade the 2 beers we bet on for one pina colada. Sometimes I think the things you'd have to go through to get laid...;)

Dinner with the ex

He actually did show up. Only a bit of confusion since my 2 year old mobile phone has decided not to cooperate, and I (a bit older than 2 years) didn't know where I was when the bus spat me out at Helvetiaplatz. All that sorted we actually met up, only to find that the place we were planning on going to had shut down. Not only closed for vacation but no longer there. Not existing, no longer alive, gone with the wind, ceased to be, gone to see his forefathers, you know the monty python don't you? Well in case you don't, here's the link: Anyway, we then had a short discussion and ended up in a Spanish restaurant (which doesn't have its own website) that can be found here: called something like "bierhalle krokodil" and has been existing since 1928 according to the menu. Excellent. I can really recommend it. We had paella (of course) and rioja (also of course) for old times sake. A really nice evening as a matter of fact. One thing I like about being friends with your ex is all the memories you share, the fun ones (the ugly ones are to be forgotten at an evening like this). We had a nice time.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Sometimes when I'm not in the mood for shopping and/or cooking I'm being lazy and ordering in. This place has a really decent cordon-bleu and a long list of various Häagen-Dazs. Will come in handy when watching House later...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New blog

Not me. But a friendgirl, who lives downunder. Different problems down there.

What I did for the ex

So, some people might ask what I do for the ex. First and foremost I have accepted that he is friggin unreliable. Never shows up on time. Doesn't answer sms's. He was supposed to be here yesterday. Anyway, today he called and asked when he could come around. And wanted to invite me for pizza. Only it was like 7pm and I had already eaten. So I did a plate of sausages, cheese, a tomato from my plant (after all, he planted it for me), mozzarella, ham and vegetables. And we had a nice talk. Which we didn't get to finish since he was tired, and I had to watch dr House :). So on Tuesday we're having dinner together in a Chinese place that we know from before. If he shows up that is...


The other day M pointed out that a lamp was broken and needed replacing. Said he had tried but couldn't unscrew it. So I did the usual. Contacted the ex to say help was needed. I don't really find the fact that we broke up 2,5 years ago a good reason for him not to do his chores around my flat. So today he came around to fix some stuff (like tying up the tomato monsterplant and fixing the grapevine) as well as having a look at the lamp. This is what he did: Reached up with his hand, unscrewed the lamp in about one second. Found a replacement lamp in the cleaning cupboard and put the new one in. All in about 1 minute. When I laughed at M he just said: "well, if it was so easy why didn't you do it yourself?". Hmmm. Do I look like a person who does domestic chores?

Balcony pics

Just look at the was only a branch when I got it.


Lake police. Was dropping M off the boat, and stayed in it for a while, reading my book, having a glass of wine and listening to radio Zürichsee. Very nice indeed. Saw the lake police cruising by checking things out. Then left. Then came back with the police boat as well as another boat that they parked almost next to mine. So asked one of them: "what is going on?". He said "we're parking that boat". Yes I can see that you moron. I thought. Then he said "why?", like in why do you ask. Me: "just curious". And that was the end of the conversation. Don't think that went too well :). And I still wonder, why were they parking that boat?


Sometimes in Zürich they dust off the old trams, and take them for a ride. Today I took a tram from 1928, with a conductor in an old-fashioned uniform. Sehr cool :) Me: "how old is this tram?". Him: "from 1928". Me: "is the uniform you wear also from that time?" Him: "no, it's not quite that old. Neither is the man you see in it." Me: (embarrassed) "yes, I can see that".

P & P

Met two guys tonight. P & P. They thought it was a fantastic coincidence that we all had been about 5 years in Zürich. I found it less interesting since they moved here from Fribourg. Moving from one city to another is not exactly what I would call "daring". Me: "so you moved from Switzerland to Switzerland?". P: "Yes". Kinda think that was the end of a promising of the guys was pretty cute :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ok, I'm ready

Once again, I'm finally ready to go out. Had such a lazy day. Slept to noon. Went shopping with M. Reading and napping in the afternoon. Great day. Not sure I'll be so late but feel like going out a bit. I really should take my camera with me but cannot be bothered to carry it around. Sorry. Hope to have some stories for you when coming back.

Quiz time

Ok, I want you readers to answer the following questions by commenting: 1. Are you a man, woman or in-between? 2. How old are you? 3. Which country do you live in? Please make me happy and answer.

New feature

Just discovered that blogger added a new feature. So enjoy the movie!

Tomato time

Yummy! Picked my next tomato, and had it with mozzarella, my own basil and olive oil.


Hurray! I'm invited to a party. In Germany! This place looks really really nice. Check it out.

Helping hand

Also met R, who was extremely helpful when I had the boat, and didn't know how to drive it. R is funny. But almost always very very drunk. And today I looked good. Or so he said. About 5 times. I like R :) And we talked about that we haven't hooked up in a long time. He said that he felt bad because he hadn't kept in touch. I told him that anybody who has ever helped me is always welcome on the boat. So there you go. We will keep in touch. He's a sweet guy. Only not my type...


So this is later. Went straight to my usual place, and met young guy. Remember the one I said I'd do if he was older? Well, apparently he read the blog (got it translated, doesn't speak English) and stayed by my side. Kinda liked that, even though I really didn't mean it. But then again, a private bodyguard is not to be spat at...

Friday, August 24, 2007

One of two things

Ok, so finally got my shit (so to speak) together and am wearing my party-gear. What you wonder? Just a pair of shorts and a pink (of course) top. Sandals. Money, bus card, keys, lipstick and cig in my pockets. Good thing my butt is so small that I can fit all this in my back pockets :)...and this is not the time to talk about my belly thank you very much. Yes, I know, I doesn't look very sexy but hey! I'm just out to have fun. And now one of two things can happen. I either am confronted with a wall of people and decide I don't wanna be one of the crowd, or I just gonna go with the flow. Either way, I know where I gonna end up :) More later...

Good shit

For some reason I just thought of toilet seats (why you ask? Have a wild guess:). M had the brilliant idea of buying a new one last time we were in IKEA. Not quite sure what was wrong with the one I had from the 60's but since I'm a compliant person...

So he put the new one on. Only to break it, so that I had to slide from left to right doing my business (see previous blog item

Well, if it made him happy and so on.
Then he tried to put the old on back on, and broke that one too. Oh dear.

And so another visit to IKEA was prompted.

And now look! Exactly the same shape as the old one, but in a better colour.

Things were not always better before :)


Been thinking about you readers. You come in different categories. 1. Friends who are compulsory readers and check my blog the first thing you do in the morning. You are my favourites! 2. Anybody who comments. You are also my favourites. And here I like to add that I publish all comments that are not spam. I cannot change the comments, only choose to publish or not. 3. Friends who are occasional readers. Some do it before we are scheduled to meet, so that they can claim they "always" read it :)...and some people who "read up" after not having time or whatever for a week or so. 4. People who google something and my blog shows up on the list. See previous blog items. 5. Some find my blog by accident I guess and like it enough to come back. Thanks for that! 6. The ones who click and then get out. And yes, I can live without you too. Categories 1, 2, 3 and 5 are definitely my favvo's. Keep on coming back!

It's getting better

...and better. Search word: "zurich sex"...and I'm on it. I gotta start writing about other things... Second last...


Been struggling a bit this evening with motivation. Had a nap, and am now slowly gearing up. Found a really funny blog which I spent an hour reading. Would've linked to it, but unfortunately a language you won't understand. Just need to go change, have another glass of wine (with no coffee mind you :) and hit town. In a little while...

Oh nooooo!

Read the other day that Switzerland probably will be smoke-free (at least in bars and restaurants) from 1 Jan, 2008. Et tu Brute! I admit, that the free smoking here is not the only reason to stay in Switzerland but f..k! I really don't want the Swiss to conform to EU TOO much!


HAHAHAHAHA! I cannot stop laughing. Somebody googled "massage sexy zurich" and got to this item on my blog: Talk about disappointment!


Here we go again, another party in Zürich. This time in my beloved Niederdorf. This can get real ugly, so think I need a little nap before hitting the bottle and town...

Cablecom stinks - or not?

Mail from Cablecom to my blog email: "Dear Annika We have read your post about the problems of your friend with cablecom. We would like to help on this issue. Therefore we need following information: cablecom customer number, name and family name of the customer and a little description of the problem, so we know, which department it concerns (technical service, administration etc.). Please respond only to this e-mail, because it is directed automatically to us. Thank you for your cooperation and your attention. Yours sincerely, Customer Relations cablecom GmbH" Have forwarded the email to M's friendgirl. Story to be cont'd I'm sure...


I must not be awake yet. Pushed the button for strong coffee on the machine, opened the fridge to get the milk out and poured a few drops into the mug...WAIT! What am I doing? By habit I took the white wine bottle. I tell ya what, coffee with white wine is NOT my favourite. And especially not 7.30 in the morning...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

House is everywhere

It's Saturday all week long so to speak. House is now on Swiss, Italian and French tv. With the French being in front, followed by Swiss and last Italian. And I lap up every episode...

How many gays does it take?

Gay friend at work writing an email: "How many gays does it take to cancel this contract?". Freudian slip...:)


The new sickness, described by two Swiss guys:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Was out tonight for dinner in a place that brought back memories. Not all good, mind you. Remember that loser-course I went to last autumn? Well, same building block. And I do remember them opening the place back in September last year. I also remember all of us thinking "what are they thinking about, opening a good restaurant in this neighbourhood?". Seemingly they are still surviving. And they are good. Really good as a matter of fact. And not too expensive. Well, after Rigiblick I guess everything is relative :) Here it is: Glass of white as apero. A ceasar salad as starter, and beef tatar as main. With a Brunello di Montalcino ( Excellent. And since the restaurant was nearly empty we had excellent service. Now, here's the question for you. Who paid for all this? And I give you a hint. It wasn't me. It wasn't the guy I had dinner with. Bet you can never guess...

Zip up your pants

Once in a while I think I'm really funny. Like tonight. Thought I was gonna be later, and didn't wanna surprise M by coming home too early so sent an sms saying "zip up your pants, I'm on my way home". Joke fell flat to the ground. No response. No nothing. So much for thinking I was funny...

Military disciplin

Heard this story over the weekend. Picture this: after a military manoeuvre the troup was having a break at a nearby school. The sergeant marched in front, leading his troup to the rest rooms. He opened the door, and let the guys march in. Then closed the door and went to the men's room on his own. HAHA. Thought that was pretty funny.

Well done Don Juan

There is this guy I know who is in the dating business, i.e. he dates everything that moves but I guess preferrably has breasts too. And he's not shy talking about it when you ask. So I wonder if it's like NATO, No Action Talk Only, or if he's actually dating as much as it appears. Well, today I saw him have lunch with two women, so perhaps it is all true? And he's kinda goodlooking and nice (and very single :) so well done Don Juan.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


One thing I do really hate is when tv comedies have laughs in the background. It's like they are not sure it's funny, and therefore have to show us stupid tv-watchers that it is. I'm fairly sure this is an American phenomenon, and one thing we should not have imported to Europe. I just refuse to watch these series, and stick to quality stuff like House :)


Tuesday and going out-day, and what happens? I fall asleep after dinner. Wake up, see that it's a double episode of Desperate housewives on Italian tv. And guess what? I decide to stay home. It's either sleep deprivation (my preferred option) or I am indeed getting old. Or perhaps it's only because it's raining :) Well, tomorrow is definitely going out day, and on Thursday M is practising his cooking skills...

Monday, August 20, 2007


Blogger has a scheduled outage today at 4 pm PDT. What the f... is PDT? Google shows Pacific Daylight Time. Gee, that's helpful :) Ah well, off to bed soon anyway, so look forward to some comments when I log on tomorrow morning.

House strikes again

Discussion about a patient: "We don't know her response to pain." House: "Easy, just hurt her". So he did just that. When his team objected he just stated: "She needed to be hurt. I wanted to hurt her. It was a win-win." He's a real funny way :)

Bid - bed?

This is so funny. I tried to google 'Ingvar Kamprad Warren Buffet bid IKEA' since I heard that Warren was trying to buy IKEA. This is what google told me: Did you mean: ingvar kamprad warren buffet bed ikea HAHAHA!

My favourite doctor

Do not ever disturb me between 21 and 22.30 on Sundays. Then I have a date with dr House. On Italian tv. And to my delight I saw that it is starting on SF2 tonight. My only problem now is that I will be out of sync with the episodes. But it doesn't matter, he's anyway fantastically sarcastic and worth seeing several times.

Cablecom stinks

And not only that. For about 2 years they have been pestering me with letters once a month, and telephone calls. "Join us!" and "Free the first year!" and similar bullshit. Nothing is ever for free. And I heard from so many people that once you've signed you're on your own. Customer service is an unknown concept with Cablecom. Apparently. A friendgirl of M's is right now experiencing these problems. She's American and therefore asked M for help. He spent 45 min on hold with them, before they disconnected him. Then she tried on her own, and because she doesn't speak German, she got connected to like 6 different people and still didn't get any help. Personally I rather pay 49 Swissies a month and get something that works. And where you have customer service.


Apparently this is very hot for the moment. A network to get in touch with friends, share photos etc. Switzerland has 24,189 registered members for the moment. I know, since I signed up. Don't have time now to check it out. Will later.

Morning snack

Sometimes in the late morning I'd like to get a little bite to eat, and of course another latte. So I buy a small sandwich or something and I visit the coffee machine. This is indeed a funny big monster-machine. It acts like an older man. First it splutters out hot milk, while making an ear-deafening noise. Then eventuelly it adds a small dosis of black coffee (as indeed it should) and when the display says "ready" you'd think it would be. But no, this is when it adds another few drops of coffee. It always reminds me of an older man with prostate problems :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A day on the lake

Just spent 4 hours on the lake in good company. Some picnic, some wine and luck with the weather. It was really nice. Especially nice when the "wasserschutzpolizei" ("water protection police") drove by, waving to me. Me: "did you see the uniformed men waving to me!?!" Brother: "and what did you do then? Show your breasts?" Hmm, there's an idea...

You get what you deserve - part VIII

The cheese plate and the dessert.

You get what you deserve - part VII

One of the main courses.

You get what you deserve - part VI

I can recommend this earthy red wine from Piemonte.

You get what you deserve - part V

A couple of the starters.

You get what you deserve - part IV

Ok, so we didn't exactly order from this page...

You get what you deserve -part III

The menu...delish!

You get what you deserve - part II

This is the restaurant and the view.

You get what you deserve - part I

This is where we started the evening. After taking the "seilbahn" up to the mountain. For somebody with a fear of height, it is scary to get up there. But gotta admit, once there, it is worth it.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Remember this place? This is where Bro's birthday dinner is just about to take place... I guess it's a good thing that Sis is a rich bitch :)


Today in town:

Tomato - yum

Yesterday I harvested my very first tomato. And although I might be a bit biased I think it was the most tasty tomato I've ever eaten. It had a real tomato flavour, unlike the ones you buy. Can't wait for the rest to turn red.


Isn't it nice to feel loved by your loved ones. Yes! Ish... About the only person who does not read my blog is my own brother. For a whole year he got away with "I cannot access it, because of the firewall". Until I met a colleague of his, who did access the blog. So that excuse went out the window. Then it was "you only write about your men stories". Not true. That excuse didn't fly either. Now when I told him that I have more readers he says "maybe I should start reading it, if you're getting famous". Gee, so much for family support...


Was out with Bro, and whaddayaknow, I think he'll come around. In every other aspect he has more and more become like me, and for the first time ever, he seemed (or made a good impression of it) to like my kind of life. And when we took a taxi home just now, he said "I really do prefer a Mercedes, as to the Nissan -83 that they have in Dublin". So Bro lives in Dublin. A taxi ride there involves a ride in something that has seen better days (including throw-up, semen, spit and whatever else disgusting things you can think of). Didn't I say? Zürich rocks. The best city to live in. And we have good vehicles :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Darwin rules

I will survive...

Bro is in town

Just met up with Bro. It's gonna be a bit of a party weekend, hopefully ending with a boat trip on Sunday. So gotta go, am making a cheese/bread/sausage-plate for little Bro. And then I'm gonna make him come with me to my usual place :)...which he hates for some reason. But with family you've gotta be flexible...

A sure bet

After all the hassle of today I felt I needed a break and a drink. So I went to my usual place. As you do. And of course there were people I know. A was there, as well as B, and whaddayaknow, so was C. Only C doesn't talk to A and B, so a bit of juggling was necessary. Then F was there too. Nobody talks to F, except for me. So the evening in sorta solitude with only my drink and me kinda flew out the window. And you know one thing? I rather talk then listen (just in case you don't know me already) :)...


Tzwaa, is believe it or not the both German and Swiss German way of saying two (2). Not sure how to write it phonetically so that you can understand, but then again, maybe you don't want to. I think perhaps ze Germans and ze Swiss have more in common than they would like to admit...

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Was crossing paths with this guy I know today. He was walking towards me with his mobile in his hand, pointing it to me. I know, he was just sms'ing or something, but it felt like he was directing it towards me trying to put me on mute. HAHA! Nice try...

Where is the party?

The Swiss like to build things. Preferrably dig up a street now and then to place another cable under the street (or whatever it is they are doing). Put up a crane and the Swiss get an orgasm. The last 6 months or so they've been doing up Limmatplatz, which is the beginning of the infamous "Long street" - Langstrasse - here in Zurich. It's kinda a big tram stop with shops around and lotsa people. I happened to pass by there today. Waiting for the bus I saw this sign saying "thanks for being patient while we rebuilt Limmatplatz. Between 16-18 we're having a party here to celebrate". I was there 5 minutes past 6pm and saw nothing. Some party! And that's all we got for being "patient" for half a year?

Swiss service

I am not entirely certain whether the title is an oxymoron or not. As much as I like the Swiss, I do not appreciate their sense of service at all times. Take for example the supermarkets like Migros and Coop. Closing time approx 7pm Monday-Friday. Hello? Most people are busy during daytime. On Saturdays open until 4pm. Sunday closed. Does that sound like customer service to you? I'm used to supermarkets being open 8am-10pm 365 days a year. Some things are hard to get used to. Yes, I know people working in this service business need their time off too, but does it have to be exactly when others like myself have time to shop?

Wireless - once again

Ok, so I guess we managed to ride out the storm...this was as close to a fight as we've gotten. So far :). Blogging wireless for the first time. Not blackberry wireless mind you, I'd like to spare you my snappy comments from a bar 2 at night...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My first red tomato

I am so proud!


This is where I'll be ordering my quilt:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

100 years

So no problem then. If I can smoke until I’m a 113 years old, and then stop, I’m happy. Like this woman.

Reason for her stopping after 100 years of inhaling was that she for the first time in her life felt a bit sick.

Perhaps since she's been a widow since 50 years...


Little Bro is coming to visit over the weekend. And on his wish list is homemade meatballs. I tell you. I even had vegetarians eat my meatballs. I guess I should be flattered. I just wish it wasn't so much work to make them :)

Wireless - continued

Remember I told you about the story to be cont'd? M wanting to hook up on wireless somehow thru my line? Ah well, the letter never arrived, so M called Swisscom today to ask why. And without even so much asking to verify who he was, they gave him the code. I just wish it was because they could see my landline number (even though he had to give it to them). Hmmm, suspicious, that's me. So he got the code. And then began the struggle. First he tried to install it on his pc. When that didn't work he demanded to use mine. And here's when I all of a sudden had an understanding about his unwillingness to let my friendgirl use his bed when he wasn't around. My pc is my baby. It's MINE MINE MINE. And nobody can touch it. My personal item, that belongs to ME. Fuck the bed, it's just a piece of furniture, but a pc is personal. Yes, I did let him try to install it even though I felt extremely uneasy. I don't have good experience of letting other people use it. It always ends up being reset to some different settings, new icons appearing, various (and sometimes scary) websites in my favourites etc etc. Ah well, I'm here again online. For now. And my pc is back in my care, where it will remain. Indefinitely.

New cleaning lady

So yesterday new cleaning lady made her first appearance. It went very well. She was fast, and it was so good even M was impressed. And when it comes to cleaning, that's not easily done :) You know, I don't mind that M is crappy in the kitchen department, because there I'm pretty good, so I think we both have talents. Just different ones...


?? I know, I had the same feeling. What does THAT mean?

Quark is something like yoghurt and taschen means bag. What it means?

Basically a man's bad joke about womens breasts...

Guess it's especially funny coming from a man who's gay :)

Whipped cream

Thought I'd heard it all, but this one just tops it. Someone told me that women who have their period cannot whip cream, since the cream just won't get thick. Why? No answer, other than that women having their period "exert" something that makes the cream not thicken. What a bunch of bullshit! Makes me think of some religions that think women having their period are being "unclean". Or indeed when they used to burn witches, mainly because the burners were men and simply didn't understand women. May I remind this person that it is year 2007...and that some things have indeed changed the last 200 years...perhaps apart from the fact that men still do not understand women :)

Monday, August 13, 2007


Tomorrow this'll be me!


The slowest man in Switzerland. Met him today. He works in Migros. You know at the check-out counter there are 99,99% women. He is the 0,01%. And now I know why. I have never waited so long in the queue as today. Ok, anybody can be new to their job, but jeez. How slow can you go. Veeeeerrrrrryyyyy is the answer. So now I know why there are always women at the check-outs. They are fast. Has anybody ever thought of making a woman the manager? There's a novel idea for the Swiss...

87 inches

Before you get too excited I just wanna say it's about a quilt. I know somebody who makes them, and I want to have one. So just asked M to get me the measure tape (from the full and heavy box in the cleaning cabinet...a place I don't like to frequent :) and for him to take the duvet down from its winter hide on top of my closet. Needed to measure it. After having complied M asked "wouldn't it be easier to just read the measure on the duvet itself?". Indeed. And you know what? IKEA provides measurements in both centimeters and inches. Cool. But the size of my duvet may take a year or so to make. Handmade. Will be the second thing in my flat that doesn't come from IKEA :)


This comment deserves an item of its own: Great!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Street parade pics

More pics from the weekend:


Today I feel like one of these old over-used dishcloths that has seen better days. Have just waved friendgirl off, and look forward to a day of sofa-lying, movie-watching and icecream-eating. But gosh, was it fun yesterday! So much people, so much to look at and so many impressions. I smile inside just thinking about it. Definitely worth feeling a bit tired today. I have to give it to the Swiss, they certainly know how to party!

Shameless - part whatever

Last night friendgirl got her eye on a guy and said dreamingly, "if I was 10 years younger...". To which I responded that still means he would be 10 years younger than you. "Oh", she said, "I wouldn't mind". And because I'm not the person to hold back I said "but maybe he would?".

This is the guy I wouldn't mind if he was...hmmm...let's start with 10 years older :)

Shameless - part XVIII

Ok, so we stayed a bit too long outside the gay bar :)

Shameless - part XVII

Cool lipstick...or maybe not...

Shameless - part XVI

The people I end up with...seriously :)

Shameless - part XV


Shameless - part XIV

Here's a quiz...are they gay or not?

Shameless - part XIII

When you don't have live friends...

Shameless - part XII

Semen...oh sorry, seamen :)

Shameless - part XI

Some people are more "expressive" than others...

Shameless - part X

Friendgirl getting "approached"...

Shameless - part IX

It is indeed a good thing I don't need silicon...

Shameless - part VIII

Lotsa people...some standing, some not.

Shameless - part VII

Something for the boys...grrrr!

Shameless - part VI

I lack words...

Shameless - part V

Ok, so now it's getting a bit blurry...but hey, you get the drift. Btw, I caught this one on the fly :)

Shameless - part IV

Friendgirl claimed she didn't colour her hair just because of the street parade...but who knows?

Shameless - part III

What you do not expect on a street parade is a friggin sect, believing jesus still lives or something but whaddayaknow, they were there too...

Shameless - part II

Actually the day didn't start so well weatherwise. Good thing we went to the boat to squash about 100 liters of water from it. Here's the challenge, which one is my boat?

Shameless - part I

Eleven hours later we've seen it all. Actually, more than we ever wanted. I have 72 pics from today...and I want to share a few of them with you.

Here's No 1.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


So, after a good nights sleep we are almost ready to hit town. Will bring my camera, so that all of you who are not fortunate enough to be in Zürich today can share the street parade festivities.


Just a little before-the-big-event-party tonight. And it's good to know that some of my friends like my place. Deep inside I know that all of them do, but it is indeed nice with the ones who actually admit it :) And now I bid you g'night. Tomorrow is another day (to quote my heroine Scarlett).

Friday, August 10, 2007


What do you do when your car brakes down on the motorway? Well, personally (had I had a car) I would call for help. So did my friendgirl. But since she had to wait, she decided it would be the perfect time for playing a bit of music. Placed herself in the back seat of the car, moved the front seat towards the wheel and decided to play a bit of saxophone. Having trucks passing by at free-limit speed every 10 sec's or so. I hesitate here, it's either 1. I know only weird people or 2. I have cool friends. Think I'll opt for option 2 :)

The perfect diet

Just met up with a friendgirl from abroad who's staying with me over the weekend. Gosh, had she lost a lot of weight! Put me to shame, with a measly 7 kg's loss or so. Then I learned about her secret diet. Just fall on your face, preferrably polishing the pavement with your teeth, and voilà. The perfect diet. The fact that you have to eat through a straw and live with a crooked tooth is a small price to pay.


I have actually three blogs. One previous that I link from in this blog, which btw has about one visitor per day still even though I stopped writing on that one in December. Amazing. Then I've got another blog that I ignored since May. Checked it today, and I had comments on it from May and June. Oh dear. Here i pride myself about being online all the time (and I am) but I just didn't log on to it. Reminds me of a far-away friendgirl who ignores her blog all the time. Fortunately she doesn't ignore mine :)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sietzen oder dutzen

I like when people are honest. Lately I have heard from so many people that I speak good German. All the while when I know I'm not. Yes ok, I can make myself understood but German people prefer to speak English to me. Provided they do speak English of course. And you know what? I still have problems with the basics. The title on this blog was a chapter in my German course. Sietzen to me sounded like sitting, only slightly different spelling. Oder means or. But dutzen? Wasn't in my dictionary. And still isn't. What it means is Sie or Du. The formal and informal way of saying you. Easy-peasy in English. Always you. Singular, plural, formal, informal...always the same in English. Not in German. Exactly why ze Germans like to complicate things is beyond me, but best not mention the war :)

Street parade

On Saturday the city will be hopping once again. The theme this year is RESPECT. For people, the nature and environment. Sounds good to me. And unlike the Zürifäscht I do NOT plan to be sick this time.

Nothing is for free

Today I got 8 champagne glasses for free. Ok, not exactly for free. I had to shop till I drop'd in Denner to collect enough points to get them. But it's a nice feeling to leave a shop without paying... Hang on, that's not true either, since we picked up a few things while there anyway...these marketing people are clever!


Finally, after discussing network, wireless, routers and whatsit M had decided to get a thingie that can hook up on my computer line and via something wireless work on his pc too. Hahaha! I betcha this will be a long story right here on my blog. Started today when we went to Swisscom, and I had to sign an agreement saying that I would like to keep my landline for another year. Fine. I didn't plan on moving anyway. M bought a box, containing mysterious things and wanted immediately to get going. HA! Says he has to wait for a letter with some code. I'm sure this will be a story to be cont'd. Nothing is ever as easy as it sounds in the shop...


Saw that M has put shoe polish on the shopping list. Had a heureka-moment and remembered I had a box full with shoe polish thingies, which I proudly presented to M. Told him it might be a tad old, but he said no problem. It lasts for a couple of years. Oh gee, a couple of years? Think this box has followed me through five countries (and still never been used!) and must be at least 15 years old. Can shoe polish really get too old?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cleaning lady

Hurray! It certainly paid off to go out tonight. Found a cleaning lady. Since cleaning man has been off sick, it has kinda deteriorated at home. M does his room, the bathroom and the toilet, but nothing more. And of course I don't expect him to. But now a friendgirl has offered to help out. And gosh, is it needed. No matter how dirty it'll get I just won't do it. I keep on telling myself I have other talents. And I'm sure I do. I just have to figure out what they are :)... So on Monday it'll get clean! Hurray!

As is

Why is it that nothing can be like it's always been? I know, we live in a world of change and I should know it better than most people having done the change for the past 15 years. But seriously. Sometimes I think change is just for the sake of it. Mostly small things. Like when Lancome decided to stop making the mascara I'd used for like 20 years. Product development they call it. I call it insanity. There was I, a realiable customer, buying always the same thing. A safe bet. And now I have to experiment with new ones, trying to find the ultimate one. Haven't succeeded yet. Like today, not only have the changed the colour of the sign of "reserved table" in my usual place, but they have also changed the ladies sign on the toilet door. You know, when you always have change around you, it would be nice to have the feeling of "some things never change". Guess that ain't happening...

Toilet paper

M: "Why is there a half-empty toilet roll in the kitchen?" Me: "I have no idea. I thought you put it there." Besides, it looked clean so it hadn't bothered me. Then followed an interesting discussion of how a toilet roll ended up in the kitchen. Which led us to talk about that there are worse things we could've found. Like a vibrator. Exactly why M would suggest we'd find a vibrator in the kitchen is anybody's guess...


19.40 I get an sms. "Am going to town for a drink, are you coming?". 19.50 I answer that I will, but only around 21.00. Next sms: "Oh, so late?". What did she think? That I was gonna drop everything, run into town being given so little notice? You know, I don't always sit around waiting for somebody to invite me...I do have a life :)


Yesterday morning I went to apply for an extension of my permit, since I've now been here for 5 years. It didn't go so well. Of course I tried my best German, and I asked if I could apply for a permanent residence permit as to avoid having to keep on applying. Yes, that was possible. The guy told me just to write a note in the comments section of the application. Aaaarrrgh! My German is not good enough for writing formally, so I did it all in English. It just doesn't look very good to apply for a permanent permit in Switzerland. In English. Bet I won't get it. But they cannot refuse me a temporary permit, so I should be safe. But I have to wait something like 3 months before I know. In the meantime they took my current permit, so now I have nothing. When I asked they said I won't be needing it. So why am I then applying for a new one? If I won't need it? Swiss logic, I tell ya.

What is wrong with me?

And some others for that matter. Yesterday I was kinda tired early in the evening, after having been out three nights in a row. To which M commented "you shouldn't go out so much at your age". Why does everything all of a sudden have to do with my age? But I'd rather continue to go out and have fun, than being old before my time and stay home. Like some other people I could mention :) Anyway, so I went to bed early and guess what? I wake up fuckin' 5.15 and cannot go back to sleep. So here I am blogging early in the friggin morning. Sad, that's what it is. And you know what? It never happens when I'm going out...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Monster plant

This year I tried to raise a tomato plant for the first time. When it first arrived it was no more than like 8 cm and tiny, tiny.

Look at it now. It's a monster! But plenty of tomatoes...perhaps I do have green fingers after all?


Clearly I have none. So after a day on the lake, I was starving. And here I'm not gonna mention the homemade pizza that the ex promised to bring, and didn't, so I won't. Anyway, passed by my place, and had dinner. They have a really nice "fitness-teller" which supposedly is healthy. A piece of meat with various kinds of vegetables. Very nice. So had that, and a chat with some friends. Then the plan was to go home. Half-way to the bus I got an sms. "I'm at the tapas place, wanna join?". Sometimes I think I'm too easy. I just turned, and did. Joined, that is. Three hours later... And tomorrow at 9 am I'm gonna be in the office of ze Swiss authorities asking them nicely to give me an extension of my residence permit. I will seriously try not to breath alcohol on them :)...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sexy baby

Was hesitating about the category to put this in, but since she was Swiss I just gonna have to. Picture this: older woman, between 50 and 60, tight top. A top that doesn't cover what it should. A Michelin tyre worthy of a Japanese wrestler she chose to display. That together with breasts like a dachshunds ears, flapping towards the belly. Yikes! I may not be 20 anymore, but at least I know what to cover up...

Even monkeys can learn

So finally the ex and I went on the boat. Only an hour late. But this time he communicated beforehand. Not 45 min after the time we agreed. Thankful for small things. And when I asked which one of my two new bikinis he liked best he responded "I like both". Good boy. After all he has learned a thing or two. Because if he would've said "I like the blue one better" we would've had the discussion about why he didn't like the pink one. So I guess he has learned a thing or two from me. Did I say before that you cannot teach men? I take that back :)...

Cruising the lake

Tomorrow I'm supposed to be picked up by the ex. This is indeed a tricky thing, since he has no reliable bone in his body. But we have agreed that he would pick me up at 1 o'clock, and then go on the lake. This is yet to be seen. But being a woman, i never give up hope :).... PS. If you're a woman, thinking that you can change a man...think again!

Small print

I know that you're always supposed to read the small print in a contract, but seriously, who does? Tonight after having a great dinner, a new friendgirl and I decided to go out in town. Well, I had decided long before, and after her spending half an hour in the bathroom, she decided it'd be a good idea to join. So finally... And organized as we are, we checked out the last tram home. 1.03 am. Fine. So there we were, waiting for No 13 tram. The only one that passed in 10 min was tram No 11. Nah, not ours. And then we waited. And waited. And waited. Like you can probably guess, small print said "1.03 tram is replaced with No 11". Hahaha. Ish. So we decided to walk, which wasn't actually a bad idea. Walk off some alco, and get some fresh air plus we had a good talk. And we decided that small print is shite. Good thing I'm not a lawyer :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

According to plan

Well, like I said the plan will change, and it did. Not much though. Met up with the Americans. The gays bailed out (and here was I thinking gays were trustworthy...hmmm). But we ended up in my place. And apparently I have some sleep to catch up on. V. tired. More tomorrow...or whenever I feel like it :). Or am I getting old? Like suggested in previous items? Naaah, that ain't it. Just a tiny glitch :)

Friday, August 03, 2007


So this is the plan for the weekend, which obviously will change, it always does, but still. Tonight farewell drinks for the Americans who're going back to their prude little bubble village in North America tomorrow. After that meeting up with not so prude people, read gays. And yet after that, of course I'll end up in my place for some more drinks and fun. Tomorrow is washing day for me and shopping day for M. Then dinner in the evening with good friends. And whaddayaknow, it looks like the Sunday weather forecast is working with me this week, so the boat is probably a safe bet. Hurray! It's weekend...


And if it wasn't enough with the looking good for my age and having a male voice, I was also implied to be average. It went like this: a guy was talking about how he always gets things before everybody else, and that he gets blamed for not understanding that other people may not be so fast-thinking as he is. The only reason I can think of he telling me this, is that he thinks I am one of these average people too. Guess he just doesn't know me yet :)...

I am an old man

Well, judging from a few comments the past couple of days seemingly I am an old man. First I get to hear from a 20-something woman that I look good for my age. Actually, I thought this woman was more like 30 but a comment like that?!? Who wants to hear they look good for their age? I wanna hear "you look good". Period. Then on a phone conference today, where the speaker was on, I was mistaken for a man. Hello? Ok, so I don't have a girlie voice, but still... And why is it that one remembers these non-compliments much better than the real compliments??

Thought for the day

Handle every situation like a canine.... If you can't eat it or screw it, piss on it and walk away.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The national day - part XII

And of course every farm up there has its own well. For some reason my friend wanted to show me. So I had to look down a very deep hole. Was even offered to climb down there, but claiming my fear of height as a good reason not to, I managed to get away. Why in the world would I like to climb down a dark hole, just because his 89-year-old grandmother had done it the year before? Your guess is as good as mine...

The national day - part XI

Fenceless. Have you ever seen such a tiny fence? Ze Swiss just don't bother with security. And this is as good as it gets...

The national day - part X

So finally after yet one stop, it was time to go back to civilization. Gosh, I don't know how I survived a whole day without mobile connection! And I tell you, asphalt smells nice :) As do the fumes of the city, the noise, the people, the ambulances, the yeah well civilization. As much as I appreciate a (brief) visit to the countryside (yes, it's better than Discovery channel), I do love coming back to "my" Zürich! Period.

The national day - part IX

Once we hiked down from ze mountain (well, we actually took the "road" back, which is not a road unless you have a 4-wheel drive mountain-car. Not very common in Switzerland (despite the need!) where most people drive Smart cars...).


We finally got down there, and the next stop was auntie. A relative of the local. So we all paraded into her house. Unannounced. But since it was 1st of August, everything is allowed. Apparently.

We got offered drinks and sat down. And guess what? A friggin large insect took a liking to me. Why is it that you have 9 people and the insect decides it's a good idea to approach Annika? I just wonder. I love cats. I love (well sorta) animals (was actually thinking of taking a marmot home since they eat insects!) but these kinda creatures are not my cuppa tea.

Check it out! Big and ugly if you ask me.

The national day - part VIII

And then of course you eat again. Bread, ham, cheese, homemade drinks (and no alco, mind even if I'm appreciative of ze Swiss, they still have some things to learn :). Good company (gosh, I am grateful that I've now learned German, it certainly makes life easier, since none of them bother to speak English :). Mind you, ze Germans had problems with ze Swiss accent (and who doesn't?), but it was nice to feel like one of the crowd.

Here's a pic when all of us were leaving.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The national day - party VII

So once you hiked 20 minutes serious uphill, and if you didn't believe me, check out the pic.
And then you end up here.

The national day - part VI

After all of this, you are really in for a walk. Not necessarily because you want to, but because the Mum of my friend lives on a friggin alp. I know I have blogged about this before, but it is still serious walking. Uphill 45° and no road. Check out the pic, where I show my experience with hiking. Only one thing to say, shoes are everything :)