Sunday, August 26, 2007


The other day M pointed out that a lamp was broken and needed replacing. Said he had tried but couldn't unscrew it. So I did the usual. Contacted the ex to say help was needed. I don't really find the fact that we broke up 2,5 years ago a good reason for him not to do his chores around my flat. So today he came around to fix some stuff (like tying up the tomato monsterplant and fixing the grapevine) as well as having a look at the lamp. This is what he did: Reached up with his hand, unscrewed the lamp in about one second. Found a replacement lamp in the cleaning cupboard and put the new one in. All in about 1 minute. When I laughed at M he just said: "well, if it was so easy why didn't you do it yourself?". Hmmm. Do I look like a person who does domestic chores?

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