Thursday, August 30, 2007


Think I have to re-think my weekly agenda. Right now it feels like TGIF because tomorrow I can finally sleep. Something is not right in this planning. Friday is supposed to be "HURRAY, it's Friday and I can finally go out". Tuesday was dinner with ex, yesterday was outing with a group of people and today I cooked for three friends. And don't get me wrong, I chose to do all this and all of it was nice. It's just that the day only has 24 hours. But never mind, sleep is anyway for old people :) And especially nice tonight was that I got to introduce two friends of mine who had never met before. Suburbia girl and gay friend. They seemed to like each other. And why wouldn't they? In my world they are both good people. And they are both my friends. Somehow I think I've got more energy than I give myself credit for...because if I could choose, I wouldn't do it differently...

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