Thursday, August 30, 2007


Trying to get friends together is not always easy. Person 1: "I can't do Monday, I have kiezer-training (whatever that is?)". Person 2: "I can't do Tuesday, I have an outing with the company". Person 3: "I can't do Wednesday, I have a dinner date". And on it goes. So that's why it's so nice when a plan comes together and we actually meet up. On a Thursday. Thursday seems to be the day that everybody can actually make it. Todays menu was mozzarella, my own grown tomatoes and basil, topped with olive oil as a starter. Then meatloaf with bacon, spaghetti, IKEA gravy and peas. As dessert of course Häagen-Dazs, this time chocolate chip. Yum. A Chianti classico riserva to that, and the evening was close to perfection.


John said...

ok...if I could write this in green (jealous!!)ink...I would! People...this woman makes a killer meatloaf! I know because I had the pleasure of eating it when I visited Zurich last! YUM! Love the IKEA you said before..I guess its true..almost everything in your place is from IKEA!!


Witchbitch said...

The quilt will be the item sticking out!

Thanks John, next time please join. You're welcome anytime :)