Monday, August 20, 2007

Cablecom stinks

And not only that. For about 2 years they have been pestering me with letters once a month, and telephone calls. "Join us!" and "Free the first year!" and similar bullshit. Nothing is ever for free. And I heard from so many people that once you've signed you're on your own. Customer service is an unknown concept with Cablecom. Apparently. A friendgirl of M's is right now experiencing these problems. She's American and therefore asked M for help. He spent 45 min on hold with them, before they disconnected him. Then she tried on her own, and because she doesn't speak German, she got connected to like 6 different people and still didn't get any help. Personally I rather pay 49 Swissies a month and get something that works. And where you have customer service.


Anonymous said...

Cablecom stinks

Just tell her to cancel the contract. That will be funny. It took me half a year the get that through. :o)

Witchbitch said...

And tell me...was it for free?

Anonymous said...

It was before hat ...hmmm... 'ability' to make free calls to other 'festnetz' (English?)numbers. and it took lots of letters and phone calls to get them to accept that I quit the contract. Even with me sending them a copy of it, and with a copy of the confirmation from the post office which i got because i sent it 'eingeschrieben' (how ever you write that in English) :o)

Somehow it wasn't for free. My patience got lost and I nearly became a nervous wreck because I didn't know what else to do.

And by now, I still get advertising from them! Pha!

Witchbitch said...

'Festnetz' = landline or fixed line in English.
'Eingeschrieben' is registered letter I think.

Yes, I also get a lot of promotional stuff from them. Tried to email to say I want off their customer list, but to no avail...