Thursday, August 30, 2007

Quilt progress

Absolutely love the fabric that my quilt supplier sent me. However, I wouldn't touch that carpet it's lying on with a barge pole :) pedantic cleaning friends would cry just looking at it.

I guess I forgot to ask whether I can clean the quilt in the washing machine!


chad and cheryl said...

The Carpet is very clean, that's just the original color. All houses in the suburbs are alike, white walls, crappy beige carpet. :)

P.S. you can wash it and it will also come washed.

Witchbitch said...

Hmmm, didn't think a carpet could be clean by default. Have you ever tried an industrial vacuum-cleaner and seen what's really in that carpet? I did with mine. Wasn't pretty.

Great that the quilt can be washed.