Saturday, August 25, 2007

Quiz time

Ok, I want you readers to answer the following questions by commenting: 1. Are you a man, woman or in-between? 2. How old are you? 3. Which country do you live in? Please make me happy and answer.


Anonymous said...

Well then I hope this makes you a little happy.

I'm male, 29 years old and I live in Switzerland.

Witchbitch said...

Really? I've seen SG comment before, and I always thought it was a woman. Thanks for putting me straight.

Anonymous said...

Done with pleasure :)

Witchbitch said...

Thanks. Seems you're the only one...where are all the rest of the readers??

Anonymous said...

Here I am... Thought could wait a while 2 make u happy at another time 2 ;-)
So: female, 36 and Swiss

Witchbitch said...

Right, so that's 2. Are all the rest ignoring me :)??

chad and cheryl said...

Hi Annika - we are the crazy Americans that you speak of 'fondly'. You know the two - you work with one, and adore the other :-)

28 and 29, Chicago area, America

Witchbitch said...

Hahaha, where are the pics of my quilt?

chad and cheryl said...

On their way - at least pics of the fabric!