Friday, October 03, 2014

Atheist god 1-0

Today my door rang unexpectedly and when I asked who it was, I got a rant in Switzedütch, so I told them I'll come downstairs to talk to them in person.

They, an elderly man and a woman, started out by stating that a lot of people are now unhappy with the possible change of government. So I told them that I unfortunately cannot vote, thinking that would put them off. Added that everybody in this house is a foreigner, so they wouldn't get any ideas about harassing somebody else, even if it isn't true.

Then out comes the broschure about god. Oh dear. Not sure what the government has to do with a god, but I assured them that the beautiful country we live in wasn't created by some imaginary god, but by nature itself. And that I'm an atheist, and no thanks, you can keep your leaflet.

They were nice about it though, thanked me for a nice chat, and off they went. I actually don't think they were Jehovas, seeing the name of their printed paper, maybe Salvation Army or something?

It made me think, some of these organizations have people going around trying to convert people. What are their success rate? My guess is 0.


Anonymous said...

so not 'Der Wachtturm' then? I always wonder about their business model for conversions and how successful it could possibly be, especially for Jehovahs Witnesses as the Watchtower always looks so well, low grade. But I guess they must get some people otherwise why would they keep doing it that way, and you do sometimes see young ones.
Although I also read the main goal is 'spreading the word' so maybe if they just get to talk to you that is also a 'success'

Witchbitch said...

Oh you're right, so they were Jehovas then.

If they put me down as a "success" story, I'd be highly surprised.