Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blame the right person

It is said that you cannot be cautious enough when choosing your parents, but in my case I must say that even though I didn't exactly choose my neighbours, I have been lucky.

That said, we are an uneven bunch, all very different and not always agreeing, different ages, different political views, from various countries and I could go on, but still. We are a group that have over the years become very close.

Today we celebrated a birthday, and I, as a childfree person, noticed a difference in the parents there. Two kids were loud, sometimes obnoxious, they were everywhere and interrupted any conversation. When they left, the two remaining kids were hardly noticeable. They were there alright, but not in the way and not in any way disturbing.

Which proves my point. It's all down to the parents and how the kids are raised. And for the record, the kids are not to blame, the parents are.

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