Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thumb down

Tonight I got reminded of how quickly things can change, and how very important it is to be healthy.

That little wound I got yesterday, caused me a lot of trouble. First it kept on bleeding through, I ended up with eleven plasters, whereof three wrapped extremely tightly around my thumb. Went to bed normal time, but the finger was pulsating with pain. I visualized all the write blood cells flooding in to help and concentrating on my thumb only. Like the finger cells calling down to the guys normally operating the feet or face, shouting emergency, leave your post and come help.

Between 1.30 and 3.30 this morning I took three painkillers, and managed to finally fall asleep at 4. I don't think I've ever taken so many. Usually I try to stay away from pills.

Today it is slightly better, found another painkiller (ok, expired 2010) that seems to work better. Only took one so far + slept a couple of hours in the afternoon.

Haven't had the nerve to change the bandage yet, but a friend of mine, who is a nurse is coming around tomorrow to help.

Also had this horrible feeling that the skin flap wasn't put back in the right position, and that I will end up with a disfigured thumb. Stupid I know, but when you're in pain there is little else you think about.

The only ones happy were the furry ones. They couldn't believe their luck when I was in and out of bed for hours this morning...hey, she's awake again, let's play. Empathy, heard of it, you ungrateful little b'stards.

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