Thursday, November 27, 2014


I believe that heritage and environment have an equal weight in who we are. For example, for most of his life my Dad used to take a half-hour nap after lunch every day. He used to run his own little company, and come home for lunch every day. Then half an hour on the sofa, taking a nap. Then I didn't think twice about it, it was normal.

And as it has turned out, I'm the same. For the last say ten, fifteen years or so, I have a serious energy dip in the afternoon, when all I want to do is sleep. Nowadays I can, and I fall asleep very easily, then wake up and have loads of energy. Evenings and nights are when I'm most alive and energetic.

So I dunno know whether to thank my Dad, or to say that I'd rather had inherited another habit. But in the end it doesn't matter. He was who he was, and I am half of it, like it or not.

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