Thursday, November 20, 2014

I got a compliment!

I cannot believe I waited this long before I started with horseback riding again. Why? I really don't know, and I've been a slow starter, having only had lessons like every two, three weeks or so. And every time I had butterflies in my stomach. But not after today. I feel invincible.

Last time was the first time I felt that I was back in the saddle (I know, sorry, but the quote fits), so today I had the feeling that something is about to go wrong. Surely this cannot last.

But it did! Not only did I fend off a nervous fit from the horse, but twice! He was hearing something from outside that I didn't and galloped off without being told to, and I reacted just as I should. Sitting back, holding the reins and being calm as a cucumber. Well, not quite, but nearly.

This riding thing gives me so much energy, and I'm happy to say that today was the first time I lasted half an hour without having a drop of water. Before I always had to stop, asking the teacher to give me my bottle, 'cause I had absolutely no saliva left in my mouth. I'm getting fitter while having fun.

I have had quite a few comments from friends lately, who don't believe I'm me anymore. I have changed so much. And I can understand. I mean, I rather stay home cleaning on a Friday night than going out, and I'm doing sports every day. If you would have told me that only five years ago, I would have laughed you in the face. And given you the finger.

But there you go. People change, and so do I.

Oh, the compliment? I finished my riding lesson, and the next student came over to take the horse, and said to me "das hast du gut gemacht, du hattest alles im Griff". Hmpf! Meaning, you did good and you managed the horse well. I, as usual, had a hard time taking a compliment, and felt like an idiot after. Why couldn't I just say thank you? Perhaps because I am so not used to getting them...

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