Thursday, December 04, 2014

The glass is always half full

One thing I have noticed with getting older is that wounds heal much slower. Last time I had a cut like the one last week was about ten years ago, and I cannot remember exactly how long it took to heal, but it certainly wasn't more than a week. Today my wound is still a little bit open, maybe it was deeper but I think it's because the body takes longer to heal with age. One of these things to get used to.

Here's the barn door "responsible".

Also took a pic of the horse I was riding last week, he doesn't look so big on this pic but trust me, he was.

Today it went very well. I am proud to say I am making progress, and that I had good notes from the group class last week. I was also invited to join the outdoor riding sessions next year. I think I might do just that, but only for two hours, not four.

I like to think that with me the glass is always half full (preferably literally), and one thing that came out positively with my thumb cut was that I had to take painkillers, and they gave me stomach problems. Which in turn took away my appetite a bit, and I am proud to say I have lost another two kg's! One kg away from my second goal this year, and three kg's away from my 17-year-old self, obviously weightwise only.

From something bad comes something good.


Anonymous said...

that's definitely what I would call a glass half full attitude - that painkillers giving you stomach problems is seen as a positive ;)

As for the wound healing, I am sure you are right about the body and age, but I what I also found helps is using breathable fabric plasters instead of the plastic band-aid type ones - and then you don't get the wrinkly white skin problem too.

Witchbitch said...

But do the breathable fabric plasters keep bacterias out as efficiently as the plastic ones?