Monday, December 22, 2014

Bis gli

You know, this Swiss German so called language makes me laugh every time. Ze Swiss try to take ze German language and make it their own, in order to prove their independence towards a much larger country. At least that's my take on it.

Personally I don't think they need it, since Switzerland has since long proved its independency plus that it's one of the richest country in the world. But that doesn't seem enough for ze Swiss.

For the just English-speaking audience I think the high German would read "Frohliche Weihnachten & ein gutes Neues (Jahr)", meaning Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but I'm sure the somebody can correct my wobbly German here.

I communicate a lot in German these days 'cause not everybody is fluent in English. Well, I guess it's like 50-50 since a lot of Swiss/Germans want to practise their English. Anyway, I sms'd with somebody the other day and got an answer saying "bis gli". After googling I realized it meant "see you soon". So I used it to a Swiss friend in an email. When I met her later I asked if she was impressed with my Swiss German. She responded she didn't even realized, since it was her language. So much for trying.

But perhaps it'll help me in my strive to become a real Swissie?

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