Thursday, December 18, 2014

Horse talk

Had a friend over for dinner tonight, and it turned out that she's quite experienced with horses. I didn't know since she, as I, was doing a lot of horseback riding in her youth when we didn't know each other.

Anyway, I was informed about all her accidents with horses, one with her head split open and bleeding like crazy (that would explain a lot!...and yes, I'm joking), but it made me think about those riding sessions I was offered in the spring. Outdoor riding in a group. It's funny that, when I was really young I didn't think about accidents or that anything bad could happen to me. Sure, I was falling off many times, a horse suddenly stopping and I was doing a probably not so gracious loop over its head, or it was taking off at a speed I couldn't control and slided off being thrown into a wall or similar.

Nowadays I have a tremendous respect for these big animals. But I'm still not afraid. And I do look forward to every new session. Tomorrow morning is the next. I'm hoping to get this one again.

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