Thursday, December 25, 2014

Alligator creek

Once in a while I look at my visitors. I can only see either the provider or the ip-number, and today was a low day. Understandable, since most people are recovering from spending a whole day with the family, and/or have eaten too much.

But it made me happy to see I had one visitor from a foreign place called "Alligator creek". Imagine that there is somebody sitting in front a computer down under in a remote place (I'm guessing here) called "Alligator creek", looking at my blog. How amazing is not that?

It's like Crocodile Dundee would be interested in what I have to say. Mind-boggling.


Anonymous said...

wow, that is pretty wierd. and I have been there, or at least to two places called this back home too, which is also weird because we don't have any alligators, only crocodiles


Witchbitch said...

Maybe they had alligators when the place was named?