Thursday, December 27, 2012


When I was a teenager and in my early twenties I used to have sinus infections often. Like four times a year, and I needed penicillin to cure it. It was irritating, but didn't stop me from working. A little fever, and a clogged up nose, but I was still dancing almost every night.

However, it did introduce me to nose spray, like Otrivin or Nezeril (except for in those days they came in drops only...hurray for progress!), and I'm not sure it was a good thing.

Here I am, decades later, addicted to nose spray. One shot in each nostril before I go to bed every night.

When I buy it in pharmacies, they always warn me about not using it for more than ten days, and I always nod as to indicate approval.

One day I'm gonna ask them "so every day for 25 years is bad?".

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