Saturday, December 01, 2012

It takes all sorts

It is interesting, the people you meet through friends. Today I met up with an Irish man who doesn't drink and hate bars. Seriously? Gosh, does he live in the wrong country!

I mean what do I know about Ireland? It's what most people know I guess, and I love generalizing, so here goes: it's the green island, it's full of bars which have been exported to the rest of the world, and people are out drinking and having fun. It's also what I experienced visiting there.

On top of that I know that Ireland decades ago tried a favourable tax regime for companies, trying to attract business. Which worked to some extent.

That's about it.

I also met a woman who hates cats! Not just dislike them but hate them! It's apparently the purring that puts her off.

Apart from that they were nice, but what is the world coming to?


Olzer said...

Another first for you :-)

Witchbitch said...

Interesting that it was you introducing us...