Tuesday, January 08, 2008

No longer a rich bitch

I did it! I committed. Not to a man mind you, as one of my friends asked me. He obviously doesn't know me well. After 20 years! Anyway. I committed to buy the flat! This is so exciting. It is the second time in my life I'm buying property, but the first time was not quite in the same league. This is awesome! And I will be able to have an influence on everything inside. I tell ya. You're gonna be so tired of reading my blog about the flat :)...when you realize it's gonna take 1,5 years before I can move in! Happy happy me. And since there is always a but...I will from now on carry around a hat called "Annikas flatfund"...


Anonymous said...

yay, well done! how exciting. I must admit I'm jealous. Do you get the 1.5 years to save or so you have to start paying now?

Witchbitch said...

Just a deposit now and a letter of intent. Big payment later...

Anonymous said...

This means exciting 1.5 years! Check at all time that what they do is what you ordered... But you will have a lot of fun!

Witchbitch said...

You can bet on it. I'll be on them like a flea on a dog...