Wednesday, January 09, 2008

34th birthday party

This is a tricky one. It's not a big birthday, but it's a party. And that's a no-brainer. Ok, since you who know me are gonna be very quick in pointing out it wasn't mine, I admit. It wasn't. It was M's. Former flatmate if you remember. But what do you buy for a 34-yearold? There is no card to say "happy 34th birthday". I didn't know what he had and had not in terms of household items and flat stuff. Ended up giving him a pearl for swines. Meaning I gave him a bottle of Barolo, the nectar from Italy. And this to a guy who doesn't know a decent Rioja from any cheapo vino tinto. But I have great hopes that he will learn. Besides, he was instructed not to open the bottle during the party but to save it for a nice dinner with me :)


Anonymous said...

'34th birthday party'
a nice bottle of wine is always a good gift, except for those weird people who dont drink, but I'm guessing not many of your pals fall into that category ;). of course much better if the person recognises and appreciates it, didnt living with you rub off? or did you only serve your 3.5CHF pinot grigio (which I hasten to add isnt bad at all)

Witchbitch said...

I tried hard, but his taste buds are not developed enough...