Sunday, January 27, 2008


I just couldn't resist. Got an email from asshole guy who screwed me about salsa tomorrow. He's not going because he claims to be sick. Asking if I was intending to finish the course. My answer "Yes I do. I for one stick to my promises and commitments." Oh dear. I am not a very forgiving person am I?


Anonymous said...

In my opinion people have to earn forgiveness and offering a nampy-pamby excuse for not turning up to yet another commitment doesnt quite seem to cut it to me, so I reckon you have every right. that said if I was him I would probably also try and hide from the wrath of Annika ;)

Witchbitch said...

Actually he did show up. Kinda awkward, but I doubt that he had read the blog. We danced, didn't talk much. Like a truce while dancing. Suits me fine. We have little to say to each other.