Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Have you packed?

HAHAHAHA! Friend over for dinner. Since I'm off to this godforsaken place tomorrow he asked if I'd packed already. Do we know each other at all? Of course I have not. Coming home just now a little bit under the influence. Besides, I'm just staying overnight. How much is there to pack? A pair of underwear, a fresh top, and in winter socks. That's it. Shoes the same. Pants the same. Oh and yes, of course a toiletry bag with toothbrush, deo and stuff. Seriously, it's 5 min in the morning to organize. No biggie. Being a frequent traveller, or rather used to be, I can pack a flight-attendent-wheelie-bag in 5 min in the morning that will last me 5 days. Of course I ran into a problem on 9-11 when I got stuck in Gothenburg with instructions not to travel at all. The only time I had to go out and buy an extra top. Big deal. So, no I haven't packed yet. But will in the morning. I and will survive :)...Gloria Gaynor and me!

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