Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Summary 2007

Everybody seems to summarize the year on their blogs. Mind you, it is 4.24 in the morning and I'm not into that. But gotta say I had a lotta fun this evening/night. Thank you all for the fun sms's. Except for Aussie girl who didn't have her phone on. Everybody else did. Like Norwegian girl who said: "before the sun sets 2007 and memories fade, and the mobile net stops to work, before I get drunk, naked and lose my phone I want to wish you a happy new year." Or Swiss guy who said "I know I'm early but I know so many people who are beautiful, rich and sexy who I must contact this evening. Therefore I start with the poor, assholes, sluts, alcoholics and drug abusers that I know. Happy New Year". Feel mellow. I'm kinda sure it has something to do with the humungous amount of alcohol I had to consume this evening. What a great start to 2008!?!


Anonymous said...

yeah I agree, if we fuel 2008 with that amount of alcohol through all year, it will be the best mind rockin', world shocking, interstellar domination ever!

it was an honour to meet Annika, so this is a tribute to her greatness!!!

piece and "M A Y A"

Witchbitch said...

It was indeed a lot of fun! Haha, MAYA...remember your promise to help transfer from phone to blog??

Anonymous said...

'summary 2007'
as you know I never take my mobile out with me , besides I was in the outback, and 2 days away from mobile reception. happy new year!

Witchbitch said...

How is it even possible to be 2 DAYS away from mobile reception?

I tell you one thing, it ain't possible in Switzerland :)