Friday, January 11, 2008


If you hadn't picked up on it, I committed to buy a flat :)...a so called "Etagenwohnung" where etage refers to level and wohnung is flat. Exactly what the portion "etagen" refers to have as many translations as people I've asked. And I asked many, both Swiss and German. Perhaps the most reasonable description is that it's a flat that is neither on a ground floor, nor on the top floor because then it's called "Attikawohnung". I guess that means an "in-between-flat". Signed the reservations contract, and am paying deposit on Monday. No way back after that!


Anonymous said...

this site says

the etage as a level or floor or tier means the fact, that you owe only a level of the house, or some rooms in it, but not the whole house, with all the floors and rooms and stuff.

shows that the Danish and even Swedish usage of the word etage is common.

Witchbitch said...

Well, whatever it is I'm to be the happy owner of one!

Anonymous said...

NF: whatever, rofl, hell with the words!

is it possible to exploit the hemisphere to build flats at 10 km above see level? gravity is indeed an issue, but we are the champions, or simply the best or something indeed similar...