Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Moving forward

Had the real estate agent over this evening to go through a few details in the contract, that I'm supposed to sign on Friday. This is a big deal in Switzerland I'm told. Think the RE agent was afraid I wasn't gonna be able to answer the questions in the registry office. Reminds me of the time when I wanted to buy glasses, and they wouldn't sell me unless I had a doctor's certificate. What is wrong with Swiss people? If somebody is willing to throw a lot of money your way, why object? So now I have shown that I have actually read the contract (just being blonde, not stupid) and I know what I will be signing. Obviously I don't know all of it, not even a lawyer would with the contract text they're using, but I have a good gut feeling. And that's good enough for me. At least it has worked so far in my life. So why wouldn't it now?


Anonymous said...

'moving forward'
but when was the last time your gut feeing was being employed to spend so many thousands?
anyway, good luck

Witchbitch said...

Never before, but there is a first time for everything.
