Thursday, January 10, 2013

At the hospital

So I went to visit a new one today. 3.6kg's and around half a meter long. She looked like all newborns do. A bit reddish and tiny.

Fortunately the parents know me, so they didn't expect ooh-ing and aah-ing over something you don't really know what to say about.

But the parents were oh so different from the last time. First time they were all over the place, worrying about this and that, overwhelmed and unfocused. Today they were calm and collected, and seemed like normal people.

At our entrance we have a whiteboard and yesterday I drew a stork (well tried to) to welcome the new one. Somebody has improved it by putting a baby in the thingie that hangs from the storks beek (oops forget to add the baby!). But at least I tried.

And the new one seems determined. A wee bit angry and hungry. She can go far!


Olzer said...

Babies everywhere in your life at the moment....Auntie Annika :-)

Witchbitch said...

I know!!!