Monday, January 14, 2013

Queen of excuses

Been a bit quiet for a few days, but you know, when you don't know what to say, don't say it. But I've been walking. Not every day, but almost. That's good for being me, since I am the queen of excuses. And not one sweet thing has crossed my teeth since the 2nd of Jan. Craving now.

Anyway, today I had a friend over for dinner and I cooked something I never had before. He's the type I can do it with, since I know he'll be truthful. I really don't want "oh yes, that's nice" not knowing if people speaks the truth. But I passed with flying colours, except for "maybe it'd be nice with some rice with".

Rice it is! Next time. When I'm eating normal again.

Oh yes, if you wonder what we ate, it was beef cooked with apple and spices for a long time, and a wok with veggies.

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