Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Hunger in Africa

As far as I can remember there has been hungry people in Africa. Now there is a drought in some part of Africa. Again. I don't mean to not show empathy to the people living there, but it's not like it should come as a surprise that in some parts it never rains.

In the last 50 years the situation has been the same, and although governments and private people have tried to help, the fact is, it's not better. People are starving, they do not have enough water, sanitation or healthcare. But obviously they have enough strength to procreate.

I know there are voluntary organizations trying to help out, but to no or little avail as it seems.

I'd like to help, but if governments have not been able to in 50 years, how can I be expected to make a difference? Seems to me all the aid is going to fatten the dictators, and I won't have no part of it.

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