Tuesday, August 09, 2011


I know, too much cat stuff on this blog but I love my kittens. Today Zetti was playing and Zina had just woken up. I threw a mouse for Zetti which happened to hit Zina, who was sitting there all innocent and yawning, and the poor cat just jumped half a meter straight up in the air. It looked really funny. Poor Zina.

The other thing, they really love a whipped egg. They fight over it, and it's gone in no time. Gives them a shiny fur. And it's funny, already they have learned to hear the cracking of the egg. I may not know where they are when preparing, but in 2 seconds they materialize around my legs. Being very friendly and purring. The words sucking up springs to mind.

And they mess up my place sometimes, but I just cannot be angry. When they sleep they look like angels.

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