Monday, June 27, 2011


Until now the cats have done everything together. Sleep, eat, shit and play together. Calling on each other as soon as they lose sight.

But all of a sudden they are snoozing separately. Zetti in the armchair, keeping a watchful eye out that I do not come too close, but letting me be around. Zina has taken a liking to the plants for some reason, and likes to be petted. She comes up to me voluntarily. Feels really funny when she's stroking herself around my legs. She's so little and it's ticklish.


TrudySA said...

So glad to see your cats are settling in and you are so happy to have them What pleasure and companionship they are going to bring into your life.

Witchbitch said...

Oh yes, they are so well-behaved (well, perhaps except for at night :), and adorable, and I don't care if they call me crazy cat woman. And they deal very well with me not being home at all times. Every time I get home they get up yawning, so think they sleep a lot. But when I'm here they play like crazy. And they loooove chicken!