Wednesday, June 29, 2011



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of cat ownership! They are so cute! I've had my cat for almost 13 years. Best pet I ever had. you seem to be doing everything right! Enjoy them! xoxo


Witchbitch said...

Thanks! And I guess not all cats in America are badly treated :).

I wish I could be home all the time with them. Think I miss them more while away, than they miss me!

Anonymous said... cat is one happy kitty! :)..for now they have eachother and are exploring all the little corners of their new they're busy during the all that nap time! Believe'll see how happy they are to see you when they're a little older and calm down a bit. xo

Witchbitch said...

Each time has its own charm. Right now I wake them up every time I come home, then they play like crazy which is fun to watch. And yes, my glass table is full of paw-prints! Nothing is sacred for my little kittens :).

Anonymous said...

Å, you have gotten yourself two cats - lovely. Zina and Zetti I see. Haven't (again) in a longer while read your blog, but as usual it is always fun. Know what, I am flying to Copenhagen the day after tomorrow. Send me an sms if you have the time to talk a while tonight, to any of my numbers, I have all phones on, and I could give you a ring :) Lots of hugs from HOT Finland <- and yes, we have a heat wave here, and I am not yet in menapause (or however it is spelled :)). Yet... :) Merete

Witchbitch said...

Will do. Long time since we talked!