Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sperm on the floor

Was having a drink with the neighbours tonight, and at one point I had to powder my nose. When washing my hands after I pushed the button for soap only to see it take a loop and land on the floor half a meter away from the sink. It looked like sperm. Charming. It reminded me of the time when I took driving lessons about 100 years ago. In Scandinavia you are required to drive on ice, which btw is easy since it snows 6 months a year, and I was told to brake. I put my foot down and the car spun around. It was on a field. My teacher told me he had never experienced a woman who took his advice that literally. I was told most women brake softly and gradually. I put all my weight on and stepped on the pedal. Are you surprised?


Anonymous said...

I'm actually surprised. You did like you were told...... by a man....

Witchbitch said...

Good point, but in my defense I was 17 years old!