Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bio eco what's the difference?

I put the question out there some time ago about living more green, and the only answer I got was quit smoking and become a vegetarian. Very disappointing, since I'm not willing to completely give up my lifestyle, however I am open to change within limits.

And today I was thinking about it again. I don't eat a lot of mayonnaise, but I use it occasionally in my cooking, and so needed to stock up. Surprisingly enough in Coop they didn't have any mayo at all containing eggs from free roaming chicken, even though one of the tubes said "bio".

Last time I bought it in Migros and they did have one with the free living chicken. But I dunno. Is that really better? And is eco better than bio?

Ecological to me sounds healthy and produced without any E-numbers or substitutes added. But bio? Biological? What does that mean really?

And when something bio states that the ingredients come from Europe, not specifically Switzerland, isn't that a bad thing? Shouldn't everything be produced locally?

I may have to start making my own mayo, but then comes the problem of what to do with the eggwhites. Meringue?

It ain't easy to try to do the right thing.


Anonymous said...

its all about definitions. 'bio' and 'eco' don't really mean anything specific, but how are they defined (probably by the producer) in the context of what you are buying? same with 'better' better in terms of animal welfare, or land consumption, or pollution, or carbon footprint, or the consumer's health? depends what you priorities are.


Witchbitch said...

Ok, I hear you. At least nowadays I read the ingredients on the packaging before buying. Which means it takes longer to shop, but worth it I think.