Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Water hose

When my house was being built, I was asked if I wanted a water outlet on my balcony, which I thought was a very good idea. Until I was told it was gonna be 4,000 francs. 4K! They gotta be kidding. So decided against it.

Then some time ago when cruising on the lake with my friends speedboat I saw that he had a hose for cleaning the boat, and we got to talk about it.

He's very resourceful, as well as helpful and so today, after quite a few visits and him driving around town to buy the parts, it was finally installed.

He came up with the idea of adding a tap to my existing shower, and I bought a hose, one of those that becomes three times as long when filled with water, in total 22.5 meters, which is enough to bring the water from my bathroom to the outer corner of my balcony.

With his work being for free and the parts less than 100 francs, I am totally happy with the result. Now I can not only water my plants but also clean the balcony and the furniture out there without having to carry loads of water all the time.

Only one thing, I wish the hose would have come in purple!

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