Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No bugs here

I'm watching this series about exterminators. Seemingly it's become a huge problem lately with mice, rats, bugs, wasps, cockroaches and lice. Jeez, the hair on my arms are standing straight up just thinking about it.

Ok, living on the second floor and with two predators in the house, I'm not too worried about mice and rats. And I don't think a wasps nest would find its way to my flat, but cockroaches and lice? Oh, I dunno know. It probably helps that I don't travel anymore, so no risk of bringing one home in the luggage. And I do keep my apartment clean, but that's not a guarantee I understand.

And I'm sure, if I were to look closely, there are holes and openings under the kitchen, in the bath, and of course through the balcony. Given that my neighbours are more filthy than I, or just travelling more.

I think of all these I fear lice the most. The thought of having creepy-crawlies on my body makes me wanna puke.

Once or twice every summer I wake up having gotten a bite from something. I guess it's a mosquito or a spider, and I hate it. The feeling that something was crawling over me in my sleep (cats, where were you when I needed you?) makes me sick to my stomach.

Not sure why I watch these type of shows, maybe because it makes me feel good 'cause I don't have these problems, but on the other hand, it makes me understand that I can get them too.

I really don't know. I'm an enigma.

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