Monday, September 01, 2014

Swiss I

12 years ago to the day I arrived in Switzerland officially. I'd been here before on a project, but not to live.

So today I went to the City hall to apply for a Swiss passport. And was immediately told that what I first had to apply for was a citizenship. Big, huge difference according to Swiss guy behind the counter. Ok, fair enough, but hardly worth the lecture I was given.

Anyway, it boils down to gazillions of forms to be filled in, or ordered from various authorities, both here and abroad. These have to be sent first to Zürich city, then to the canton and finally to the governmental body handling new Swissies. Each Swiss unit demands payment for those documents of course.

I think we're looking at around 3,000 francs and up to 2 years. Let the battle begin!


Anonymous said...

In good news, friends of mine just did this and it 'only' took them 8 months (including getting the passport), and they said it was really easy (but maybe that was just in comparison to the expected total bureaucratic pain)


Witchbitch said...

Do they live in Zürich?

Anonymous said...

yes, a different Kreis to you, but probably that doesn't matter, does it go through the Kantonal office or Kreis Büro?


Witchbitch said...

It goes through first the city, then the canton and finally the Swiss governmental body. So good news then, might not be two years.