Sunday, September 21, 2014

This dating business

I have now been registered to this friendship/dating site for more than a year, and I do admit to not being very active.

The first guy I met, which is now about a year ago, I connected with immediately, and we are still friends and meet up around once a week for walks and dinners. We have become good friends, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

Then I had some exchanges on emails with a couple of guys, but didn't get the vibes and chose not to meet up with them. And as a friend and I was discussing the other day, if their interests show they are into astrology, why waste time?

I'm not the kinda person who wants to "get to know" somebody through emails and telephone calls, I want to meet them directly and then I'll know.

So today I had a blind date. Was taking a stroll into town, and when I left it was sunny and nice. After about five minutes it started to rain cats and dogs, and by the time I was at the meeting point I was drenched. Didn't bring an umbrella.

Even though I was on time, he wasn't. He had waited until it stopped raining and then arrived some five minutes later. With an umbrella. Hmmm, first negative impression.

And I know, as you get older you (read I) become more judgmental, but still. I would've thought that giving off a good first impression was important.

He was also surprised that I didn't get the Switzedütch after living here for twelve years, which I thought was a bit much coming from a guy who only speaks German.

Anyway, he turned out to be quite normal and I'm sure a nice guy, but for me he lacked a bit of energy. He wasn't so easy to talk to, and it didn't click immediately.

However, he wants to meet up again and I think I'll give him another chance. Perhaps, as another friend suggested, he was nervous. Not sure it'll be a lifelong friendship though. I think I'm more looking for people who pick me up, rather than pick on things I cannot do.

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