Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Fat war

I am really p'o:d. Since I started my weightloss journey (as they say on Biggest loser, which btw sounds really stupid), I kinda reached my goal weight. But then I was going up, going down, and I wasn't sure where I would be at the next day.

So I decided that another at least 3, possibly 5 kg would be good to lose. That way I would have a bit of leeway. But the plan didn't work out, despite my efforts.

All of a sudden I was up 2 kg's. That didn't make sense. I was sporting every day, I was careful with what I was eating, and morals did rapidly go down the drain.

This was three days ago.

I had to up my game, so two days ago I did not only do half an hour on the spin bike in the morning, but also half an hour in the evening. Sweating like a pig (I really don't know if pigs sweat, but that's what you say), doing the up-and-down-program, starting out light, then a bit harder, then really hard, then light again and so forth. According to the bike I burned 300 calories and biked around 9 km's every half hour. So in total 600 calories and 18 km's of biking.

Next morning the scale showed exactly the same as the day before. How is that even possible?

But I'm not a quitter, so yesterday I biked half an hour in the morning and did two sessions * half an hour in the evening. In total 900 calories burned and around 27 km's of biking. And I didn't eat anything after three in the afternoon. At all.

Guess what? The scale didn't move one inch this morning. WTF?

I am really pissed off. I try so hard, and nothing works. I bet if I stop working out, I will lose weight. Maybe this sports thing is overrated, which would be fine with me.

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