Monday, September 01, 2014


1st of September seems to be an important day in my life. Today it coincided with me changing network provider. As you probably know, these things are never easy.

So this morning everything was functioning as normal, I had actually forgotten that this was the day.

Before lunch I lost the connection, or actually didn't, since my computer automatically connects to the neighbours network when mine chooses to have a nap. However, it is not as strong so realized that it was time to unpack the new modem.

Didn't have time to sort out the eight cables and thingies in there, so just left it and decided to deal with it later.

After several tries in the afternoon where the modem started to blink and there was a sorta connection but not the wireless I needed, I decided to put a plea on the whiteboard in our house.

Funnily enough, after about half an hour all of a sudden it was green lights all over the place and I was properly online again! And this after not having an installation guide that made any sort of sense whatsoever. And I had to use one adapter from the old modem in order to get it to function. Ha! It wasn't me being so stupid after all.

Ah well, who needs an IT guru when one can do it oneself (pat on back)?

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