Friday, September 12, 2014


Unfortunately my cleaning lady is seriously ill, and has cancelled several times. Totally understandable, and I have no problem with that, considering what she's going through. But it left me with a problem. I don't wanna dismiss her, since I know she takes pride in helping me out, but I also couldn't let my flat get into one of these full-with-cat-hair, dust everywhere, and god knows what you find on the floor kinda places. That really would put me in the category of crazy cat ladies.

So I took it as a woman. And cleaned myself! I know, it's shocking, but I did it.

Ok, so once in a while I hoover myself, besides it's like doing sport, it's boring and you sweat, but more than that I have done in decades.

But yesterday and today I hoovered, mopped the floors, dusted and cleaned one bathroom (yes, still a bit to go), and I gotta admit, it felt good. Afterwards.

Not sure I'll keep on doing it, but it wasn't as bad as I remembered.

Just so you don't think I'm a total idiot, I have no problem with washing, ironing, keeping the kitchen clean and tidying up. It's just that the cleaning bit has always been something I avoided, and chose to pay somebody else do. Like more than 20 years ago I had a flat of 45 m2, but still had cleaning help. Just couldn't be bothered, and it was nice getting home to a clean flat not spending time on something as tedious as mopping floors.

So let's see. Maybe this'll be my new work-out-session? Only I wouldn't place a bet on it.

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