Monday, September 29, 2014

Biggest loser is back!

After enjoying fifteen seasons of the US version of biggest loser on youtube, I thought I was gonna have to wait another year for the next season, but whaddayaknow, the next season is already there. I guess there is always somebody who's willing to share quicker than anybody else. Good for me.

What is not so good is that my weight loss the first four months this year was on track, then four months maintaining it, and now I planned for the last four months of the year to lose another 3-5 kg's. Not going to plan. One day (after I was out drinking with the date) I lost 800 grams. Great, fantastic, I should do this more often. A few days later I gained 500 grams. One day I was gaining 400 grams even after doing sports morning and evening. Then another day I lost 400 grams doing nothing special. And last time I was riding I lost exactly 0 grams.

I think the body get used to the exercise, and that you have to shock it in order to lose more weight. Not that I'm overweight anymore, but I wanna stretch it and lose more. I know, I'm never gonna look like a greyhound and have no aspirations thereto, but maybe a slim dachshund?

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