Friday, August 09, 2013

That should teach'm Swiss

Haha, several people have pointed out to me that Oprah Winfrey was not allowed to buy a hand-bag, while visiting Zürich and her friend Tina Turner who got married the other week.

I would like to mention that I'm not responsible for all stupid people in Switzerland, but I think it's rather funny that it comes at a time when Switzerland is restricting access for foreigners. Not entirely sure of the details, hoping I'm safe.

Nevertheless, it's really Pretty-Woman-funny that one of the richest women in the world would be denied shopping in Zürich. I hope they sacked the shop assistant on the reason "how-stupid-can-you-be-while-working-in-a-shop?"

And let's all hope that we can stop judging people because of how they look. I would benefit I'm sure!


Anonymous said...

hmmm, although I don't doubt the ability of Swiss shop keepers to be both racist and snobby, in this case I'm inclined to believe the shop assistant's version and think Oprah was just pissed that she wasn't recognised.

Witchbitch said...

But shouldn't any client be allowed to look at a bag?