Thursday, November 22, 2012

What's for dinner?

Yes, raclette. Which had to be explained to one of the guests. I guess nearly 5 years in Switzerland hadn't exposed him to the heaven of cheese. Well, some people take their time learning. Especially men.

It was a nice evening, and I was thinking about friendship. Friendship is many things, and can last a long time even if you live on different continents. But friendship in the immediate vicinity is nice, since it gives you the chance to talk about daily stuff and current issues.

And even if friends sometimes probe too much into things you don't wanna talk about, it's probably good in the end. Rather get things out of the system than keep it in is my motto.

And when friends leave and you feel good about the evening, that's what you want. I hope they come back soon!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a lovely evening. Steph xx

Witchbitch said...

My pleasure! Next time S is cooking ;).

Olzer said...

Here here Steph. A very lovely evening it was xxxxx

Olzer said...

Yep. Us men "can" be slow.....but once learned....not forgotten!! :-P

Totally hear you regarding friends in the vicinity. It is sooo important to have a "local support and party group." Having close friends, wherever they live is a huge bonus. However, when you need someone to be physically there, so as to talk with, go out for a drink.....the friend abroad cannot help on such an occasion.

Anonymous said...

..and it was you that introduced me to raclette! loved it...reminded me to get one for my friends over here!


John , New Jersey!