Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spoiled kids

Went to a birthday party this afternoon, a 3-year-old. Which would've been fine, had it not been for the other 9 kids that showed up. All between 2 months and 4 years. Phew! Am I happy or am I happy for my two quiet cats?

Wish I would've brought my camera, have never seen so many toys in one confined place before. It was plastic container after plastic container with toys, toys, toys. As well as kid furniture, a complete kitchen, a slide, a doll trolley, soft animals and who knows what else? They could easily give toys to a few orphanages in a poor country, and each kid would get their own toy.

And of course there was a cake. The biggest one I've ever seen live.

So if judging by who has the most, this kid is a winner.

And I got to take a balloon with me for the cats to play with. But at least Zetti doesn't seem to care. Zina took one look at it and discarded it. My little girls are growing up!


Olzer said...

I say you needed a "few" glasses of wine to relax after that party :-)

Witchbitch said...

You bet I had a few glasses!