Friday, November 09, 2012

Too early phone call

At the crack of dawn this morning my phone rang. My landline, 'cause my mobile is only on when I'm awake. Terrorists.

It was a really strange conversation with me speaking English, since I thought he was selling something (this is my strategy, "I don't understand German" when I think they're wanna sell me something), but he lacked the lingo. He asked who lived on the top floor in my building, and when I understood he phoned from a heating company I gave the name of the top floor neighbours.

He then asked for the phone No of the neighbour, which I didn't give.

I contemplated this for a while, then emailed my neighbour about the story, and it turned out that they had booked a guy for some maintenance and it was legit.

I still find it strange though, that he probably looked me up in the phone book first and phoned me. Hmmm. Will have to speak to the neighbours again.

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